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EBSCO Full list of Databases
Articles, Activities, Videos and TimeLines
Click on any of the database titles to go to Pebble Go
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Hundreds of articles that support animal classification, behavior, and habitat lessons!
Covers four areas: Earth science, seasons, weather and space!
Learn about the world around you with the diverse array of topics including families, maps, and holidays!
Research the lives of important inventors, explorers, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Women and more!
PebbleGo Next is the next step in research for students grades 3-5.
Location, Geography, Weather, History, Government, Industry, People, Landmarks, State Symbols, Fast Facts, Videos, Songs and Recipes.
History, Geography, Communities, Cultural Characteristics, Housing, Food, TImeline, and Videos.
More than 150 articels, correlated to the next generation Science Standards (NGSS) explore central topics across Earth, Life and Physical Sciences including: atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, the solar system, genetics, human anatomy, ecosystems, adaptation, energy, forces and motion, atom and waves.